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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

saudi turf team Anti Fatigue Mats - Preventing Back Pain

saudi turf team Anti Fatigue Mats - Preventing Back Pain

If you are looking to purchase an Anti Fatigue Mats then you should read this and then click on the link at the bottom of this article to find the best place to purchase Anti Fatigue Mats.
Harry worked on an assembly line of a famous pharmaceutical company. His job involved overseeing the packaging and the distribution of the medicines. He had to stand for long hours. As a result he developed lower back pain and other medical problems.
In the beginning, he did not pay much attention to it, thinking it would go away on its own. However, over a rather short period of time the pain in his back became much worse and he began having a very hard time at work due to his back hurting so badly. Standing had become an ordeal for him and the only relief he got from this crippling back pain was to lie face down on his stomach. Ultimately, Harry's condition deteriorated and he had to undergo back surgery.
This is one example of what has been happening to millions of workers all over the world. Employees, whose job involves standing for hours at stretch often, suffer from back problems, varicose veins, fatigue, headaches and debilitating conditions like spondilisis and slipped disc.
However there is a very simple solution that can change all this and prevent many back problems from occurring. The cheap and simple solution to this problem is to provide all workers with an anti fatigue mat.
The anti fatigue mat benefits all employees who need to be standing during the course of their work.

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