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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

saudi turf team Tips On Choosing Gym Flooring

saudi turf team Tips On Choosing Gym Flooring

Choosing the right gym flooring can be complicated. There's a lot to think about to ensure you get the right flooring for your setting.  rubber, and the pros and cons of each.

It is important to first consider how the area will be used. Often gyms in schools and leisure areas will have a variety of uses. For example in schools, gyms may also be used for meetings or events. Private and home gyms will see less footfall, and aesthetics may be more important. Think about your budget, remembering to include installation and maintenance costs, and also the lifespan of different types of flooring. Finally consider the comfort and safety properties you require. Then it's a matter of weighing it all up to work out which is most suitable for your setting. This article considers three popular choices for gyms; wood, rubber and vinyl, and the pros and cons of each.


Rubber gym flooring is ideal in terms of safety. It's non-slip, soft and cushioned for falls or dropped equipment, comes in a range of colors, and is good for sound absorption. However, it's not great for ball games like basketball as the rubber causes issues with the bounce of the ball. So it might be good for private gyms with lots of equipment, but not so good for school gyms for example.

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