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Thursday, February 18, 2016

saudi turf team How to Choose the Right Rubber Stable Matting

saudi turf team How to Choose the Right Rubber Stable Matting

Even though rubber stable matting is getting more and more popular in both busy livery yards and private stables, some do not like the thought of using rubber stall mats as a bed for their stables for the reason that they can't bear thinking that their horse will be resting on a solid flooring. Most horses will enjoyably lay down and rest in a field, but rubber matting are made in a way that it allows to be compressed making it a pleasant mat to rest on.

Benefits. The chance of the horse going through to the concrete - as may also happen with traditional styles of bedding, like straw - can be taken out because the rubber stable matting fully covers the ground. Another benefit will be the dust-free environment which mats can help to make.

Should you choose decide to go for the rubber mats, you have to determine if you want the rubber stall mats installed permanently on the flooring of your stable, which might call for a few work guaranteeing excellent adhesion. However you can opt for a rubber floor that you can "lift" to wash underneath, which is usually done a couple of times a year, depending on it's condition.

Certain styles of non-fixed rubber mats have a second layer coating which runs among the stable floor and the top coating to help improve drainage. It is important that you check with suppliers about the sturdiness of this layer as your horse will be staying on it for very long periods of time and the breakages might lead to "pooling" of urine which may affect the drainage. Mats can generally be installed by the company you acquire it from but when you opt for a DIY option, make sure that you have all the important info and take appropriate safety measures and equipments that may include goggles, and skin protection from adhesives and cutting tools - prior to attempting to install the matting.

Almost all well-fitted rubber mats floor must pay for itself - in terms of bedding expenses saved - in about a year in case there's no additional bedding is utilized and should last for several years. Ask individuals who use matting how far theirs has lasted just to get a perception of the strength of the various types. The outer lining of rubber stable matting can vary enormously, from raised bumps to ridges and geometrical patterns. Make a decision how much grip your horse will be needing, depending on any problems it has or the condition of its hooves when he goes into the stable - for instance, feet coated in wet clay soil could cause the horse to slip.

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