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Thursday, February 25, 2016

SAUDI TURF TEAM vollyball A Sport for the Ages!

SAUDI TURF TEAM volleyball A Sport for the Ages!

For seasoned athletes, in spite of age and a relentless clock, the imperative is to stay the course. There needn't be an expiration date stamped on the psyche, either self-imposed or by public affirmation. Put another way, if one enjoys a healthy mind and body, if joints still flex with relative ease and comfort, it's possible to play until Medicare kicks in, and for many, well beyond that venerable age. For its many devotees, it truly is a sport for the ages! The game of the high net, a remarkably fine, vigorous and competitive sport, when played well, when played by the rules. The uninitiated need only watch college volleyball or professional beach or Olympic volleyball.

To illustrate and to cite an exemplary case in point, Steve and Gigi have played for ages, since 1974 to be accurate. The great game continues to consume their disposable leisure time. For them, it's a kind of obsession, and one that has continued unabated for more than 40 years. Now. Now at age 72, Steve, and 68, Gigi, they're still in its grip.

Obsession is an apt description. In a way, it all began at the bell, a telephone bell, and like a current between extremes, it seems always to race between foreboding and hopeful anticipation. Spurred by that opening bell, they soon became prizefighters fired with passion, roped in, initially by the idea, but in the long run, consumed by the game itself, obsessed.

The ringing telephone was loud and insistent. Steve refused to move. Glaring with annoyance in her eyes, Gigi put down a book and walked quickly, almost ran to subdue the obnoxious thing.

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